Wow what a fantastic day. Jillian & I got collected at 10.45am by the bus in Kurri. First up was Audrey Wilkinson winery, were I bought a lovely bottle of 2006 dessert semillon. Followed by Tempus Two winery were I bought a bottle of Copper Lable Moscato (yum). Then we went off to Potters Tavern for lunch, I had the beef & beer pie, which was delicious, but not worth the 2 hour wait, one of the girls (Kate), didn't even get her lunch. Here Rach & Kim (crazy) left us, as they had prior commitments, and the rest of us piled back in the bus for the last vineyard Briar Ridge. Then off home. During the day Kim's Matron of honour had organised some games for us all to play. The funniest was were we all had to write on a piece of paper what we wanted Kim to do (a challenge) during the day. I wrote that I wanted her to pinch a strange man's bum. Little did we know that Kim had organised prior to this, that what ever she had to do, we had to do with her. So we found a man, in line at Tempus Two, and together we eached pinched his bum. he didn't even flinch or turn around, later we found out that he thought it was his wife. Kim also had to go and ask a group of men sex advice for her Wedding night. One said don't do it, one said she had to honour her wedding vows, and the other said to smile and fake it. lol.
Here are some photo's that Rach took during the day.

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